Improved stroke data means better care and outcomes for patients- Dr. Sunny Handa MD

Dr. Sunny Handa MD said Stroke is the third leading cause of death in Canada, and more than 62,000 strokes occur each year. There are 2 types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic, each with different risk factors, treatments and outcomes for patients. However, in the past, stroke types couldn’t be reported separately due to lack of specificity in the coding. Stroke data helps us understand the population that experience strokes and evaluate which treatment is best. CIHI has reported on stroke events and in-hospital mortality indicators for years, and the coding issue was first flagged in the report Health Indicators 2009- Dr. Sunny Handa MD said. Patrice Lindsay, the director of Health Systems Change at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, has worked closely with CIHI to improve stroke coding and patient outcomes. She was part of the Canadian Stroke Network’s national stroke chart audit of 10,000 patients. The audit discovered the overuse of “unidenti...